import os
import logging
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from tensorflow import keras
import typing as T
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tsgm.types
import tsgm.utils
logger = logging.getLogger('monitors')
[docs]class GANMonitor(keras.callbacks.Callback):
GANMonitor is a Keras callback for monitoring and visualizing generated samples during training.
:param num_samples: The number of samples to generate and visualize.
:type num_samples: int
:param latent_dim: The dimensionality of the latent space. Defaults to 128.
:type latent_dim: int
:param output_dim: The dimensionality of the output space. Defaults to 2.
:type output_dim: int
:param save: Whether to save the generated samples. Defaults to True.
:type save: bool
:param save_path: The path to save the generated samples. Defaults to None.
:type save_path: str
:raises ValueError: If the mode is not one of ['clf', 'reg']
:note: If `save` is True and `save_path` is not specified, the default save path is "/tmp/".
:warning: If `save_path` is specified but `save` is False, a warning is issued.
def __init__(self, num_samples: int, latent_dim: int, labels: tsgm.types.Tensor,
save: bool = True, save_path: T.Optional[str] = None, mode: str = "clf") -> None:
self._num_samples = num_samples
self._latent_dim = latent_dim
self._save = save
self._save_path = save_path
self._mode = mode
if self._mode not in ["clf", "reg"]:
raise ValueError("The mode should be in ['clf', 'reg']")
self._labels = labels
if self._save and self._save_path is None:
self._save_path = "/tmp/"
logger.warning("save_path is not specified. Using `/tmp` as the default save_path")
if self._save_path is not None:
if self._save is False:
logger.warning("save_path is specified, but save is False.")
os.makedirs(self._save_path, exist_ok=True)
[docs] def on_epoch_end(self, epoch: int, logs: T.Optional[T.Dict] = None) -> None:
Callback function called at the end of each training epoch.
:param epoch: Current epoch number.
:type epoch: int
:param logs: Dictionary containing the training loss values.
:type logs: dict
if self._mode in ["clf", "reg"]:
random_latent_vectors = tf.random.normal(shape=(self._num_samples, self._latent_dim))
elif self._mode == "temporal":
raise NotImplementedError
# random_latent_vectors = tf.random.normal(shape=(self._output_dim * self._num_samples, self._latent_dim))
raise ValueError("Invalid `mode` in GANMonitor: ", self._mode)
labels = self._labels[:self._num_samples]
generator_input = tf.concat([random_latent_vectors, labels], 1)
generated_samples = self.model.generator(generator_input)
for i in range(generated_samples.shape[0]):
label = np.argmax(labels[i][None, :], axis=1)
generated_samples[i][None, :],
label, 1) # TODO: update visualize_ts API
if self._save:
plt.savefig(os.path.join(self._save_path, "epoch_{}_sample_{}".format(epoch, i)))
[docs]class VAEMonitor(keras.callbacks.Callback):
VAEMonitor is a Keras callback for monitoring and visualizing generated samples from a Variational Autoencoder (VAE) during training.
:param num_samples: The number of samples to generate and visualize. Defaults to 6.
:type num_samples: int
:param latent_dim: The dimensionality of the latent space. Defaults to 128.
:type latent_dim: int
:param output_dim: The dimensionality of the output space. Defaults to 2.
:type output_dim: int
:param save: Whether to save the generated samples. Defaults to True.
:type save: bool
:param save_path: The path to save the generated samples. Defaults to None.
:type save_path: str
:raises ValueError: If `output_dim` is less than or equal to 0.
:note: If `save` is True and `save_path` is not specified, the default save path is "/tmp/".
:warning: If `save_path` is specified but `save` is False, a warning is issued.
def __init__(self, num_samples: int = 6, latent_dim: int = 128, output_dim: int = 2,
save: bool = True, save_path: T.Optional[str] = None) -> None:
self._num_samples = num_samples
self._latent_dim = latent_dim
self._output_dim = output_dim
self._save = save
self._save_path = save_path
if self._save and self._save_path is None:
self._save_path = "/tmp/"
logger.warning("save_path is not specified. Using `/tmp` as the default save_path")
if self._save_path is not None:
if self._save is False:
logger.warning("save_path is specified, but save is False.")
os.makedirs(self._save_path, exist_ok=True)
[docs] def on_epoch_end(self, epoch: int, logs: T.Optional[T.Dict] = None) -> None:
Callback function called at the end of each training epoch.
:param epoch: The current epoch number.
:type epoch: int
:param logs: Dictionary containing the training loss values.
:type logs: dict
labels = []
for i in range(self._output_dim):
if not len(labels):
labels = keras.utils.to_categorical([i], self._output_dim)
labels = tf.concat((labels, keras.utils.to_categorical([i], self._output_dim)), 0)
labels = tf.repeat(labels, self._num_samples, axis=0)
generated_images, _ = self.model.generate(labels)
for i in range(self._output_dim * self._num_samples):
x=range(0, generated_images[i].shape[0]),
if self._save:
plt.savefig(os.path.join(self._save_path, "epoch_{}_sample_{}".format(epoch, i)))