Source code for tsgm.simulator

import abc
import copy
import sklearn
from scipy import integrate
from tqdm import tqdm
import typing as T
import numpy as np
import tensorflow_probability as tfp
from tensorflow.python.types.core import TensorLike

import tsgm

[docs]class BaseSimulator(abc.ABC): """ Abstract base class for simulators. This class defines the interface for simulators. Methods ------- generate(num_samples: int, *args) -> tsgm.dataset.Dataset Generate a dataset with the specified number of samples. dump(path: str, format: str = "csv") -> None Save the generated dataset to a file in the specified format. """ @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def generate(self, num_samples: int, *args) -> tsgm.dataset.Dataset: """ Abstract method to generate a dataset. Parameters ---------- num_samples : int Number of samples to generate. *args Additional arguments to be passed to the method. Returns ------- tsgm.dataset.Dataset The generated dataset. """ pass
[docs] def dump(self, path: str, format: str = "csv") -> None: """ Abstract method to save the generated dataset to a file. Parameters ---------- path : str The file path where the dataset will be saved. format : str, optional The format in which to save the dataset, by default "csv". """ pass
[docs]class Simulator(BaseSimulator): """ Concrete class for a basic simulator. This class implements the basic methods for fitting a model and generating a dataset, but does not implement the generation and dump methods. Attributes ---------- _data : tsgm.dataset.DatasetProperties Properties of the dataset to be used by the simulator. _driver : Optional[tsgm.types.Model] The model to be used for generating data. """ def __init__(self, data: tsgm.dataset.DatasetProperties, driver: T.Optional[tsgm.types.Model] = None): """ Initialize the Simulator with dataset properties and an optional model. Parameters ---------- data : tsgm.dataset.DatasetProperties Properties of the dataset to be used. driver : Optional[tsgm.types.Model], optional The model to be used for generating data, by default None. """ self._data = data self._driver = driver
[docs] def fit(self, **kwargs) -> None: """ Fit the model using the dataset properties. Parameters ---------- **kwargs Additional keyword arguments to pass to the model's fit method. """ if self._data.y is not None:, self._data.y, **kwargs) else:, **kwargs)
[docs] def generate(self, num_samples: int, *args) -> TensorLike: """ Method to generate a dataset. Not implemented in this class. Parameters ---------- num_samples : int Number of samples to generate. *args Additional arguments to be passed to the method. Returns ------- TensorLike The generated dataset. Raises ------ NotImplementedError This method is not implemented in this class. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def dump(self, path: str, format: str = "csv") -> None: """ Method to save the generated dataset to a file. Not implemented in this class. Parameters ---------- path : str The file path where the dataset will be saved. format : str, optional The format in which to save the dataset, by default "csv". Raises ------ NotImplementedError This method is not implemented in this class. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def clone(self) -> "Simulator": """ Create a deep copy of the simulator. Returns ------- Simulator A deep copy of the current simulator instance. """ return Simulator(copy.deepcopy(self._data))
[docs]class ModelBasedSimulator(Simulator): """ A simulator that is based on a model. This class extends the Simulator class and provides additional methods for handling model parameters. Methods ------- params() -> T.Dict[str, T.Any] Get a dictionary of the simulator's parameters. set_params(params: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> None Set the simulator's parameters from a dictionary. generate(num_samples: int, *args) -> None Generate a dataset with the specified number of samples. """ def __init__(self, data: tsgm.dataset.DatasetProperties): """ Initialize the ModelBasedSimulator with dataset properties. Parameters ---------- data : tsgm.dataset.DatasetProperties Properties of the dataset to be used. """ super().__init__(data)
[docs] def params(self) -> T.Dict[str, T.Any]: """ Get a dictionary of the simulator's parameters. Returns ------- dict A dictionary containing the simulator's parameters. """ params = copy.deepcopy(self.__dict__) if "_data" in params: del params["_data"] if "_driver" in params: del params["_driver"] return params
[docs] def set_params(self, params: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> None: """ Set the simulator's parameters from a dictionary. Parameters ---------- params : dict A dictionary containing the parameters to set. """ for param_name, param_value in params.items(): self.__dict__[param_name] = param_value
[docs] def generate(self, num_samples: int, *args) -> None: """ Abstract method to generate a dataset. Must be implemented by subclasses. Parameters ---------- num_samples : int Number of samples to generate. *args Additional arguments to be passed to the method. Raises ------ NotImplementedError This method is not implemented in this class and must be overridden by subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class NNSimulator(Simulator):
[docs] def clone(self) -> "NNSimulator": return NNSimulator(copy.deepcopy(self._data), self._driver.clone())
[docs]class SineConstSimulator(ModelBasedSimulator): """ Sine and Constant Function Simulator class that extends the ModelBasedSimulator base class. Attributes: _scale: TensorFlow probability distribution for scaling factor. _const: TensorFlow probability distribution for constant. _shift: TensorFlow probability distribution for shift. Methods: __init__(data, max_scale=10.0, max_const=5.0): Initializes the simulator with dataset properties and optional parameters. set_params(max_scale, max_const, *args, **kwargs): Sets the parameters for scale, constant, and shift distributions. generate(num_samples, *args) -> tsgm.dataset.Dataset: Generates a dataset based on sine and constant functions. clone() -> SineConstSimulator: Creates and returns a deep copy of the current simulator. """ def __init__(self, data: tsgm.dataset.DatasetProperties, max_scale: float = 10.0, max_const: float = 5.0) -> None: """ Initializes the SineConstSimulator with dataset properties and optional maximum scale and constant values. Args: data (tsgm.dataset.DatasetProperties): Dataset properties for the simulator. max_scale (float, optional): Maximum value for the scale parameter. Defaults to 10.0. max_const (float, optional): Maximum value for the constant parameter. Defaults to 5.0. """ super().__init__(data) self.set_params(max_scale, max_const)
[docs] def set_params(self, max_scale: float, max_const: float, *args, **kwargs): """ Sets the parameters for scale, constant, and shift distributions. Args: max_scale (float): Maximum value for the scale parameter. max_const (float): Maximum value for the constant parameter. """ self._scale = tfp.distributions.Uniform(0, max_scale) self._const = tfp.distributions.Uniform(0, max_const) self._shift = tfp.distributions.Uniform(0, 2) super().set_params({"max_scale": max_scale, "max_const": max_const})
[docs] def generate(self, num_samples: int, *args) -> tsgm.dataset.Dataset: """ Generates a dataset based on sine and constant functions. Args: num_samples (int): Number of samples to generate. Returns: tsgm.dataset.Dataset: A dataset containing generated samples. """ result_X, result_y = [], [] for i in range(num_samples): scales = self._scale.sample(self._data.D) consts = self._const.sample(self._data.D) shifts = self._shift.sample(self._data.D) if np.random.random() < 0.5: times = np.repeat(np.arange(0, self._data.T, 1)[:, None], self._data.D, axis=1) / 10 result_X.append(np.sin(times + shifts) * scales) result_y.append(0) else: result_X.append(np.tile(consts, (self._data.T, 1))) result_y.append(1) return tsgm.dataset.Dataset(x=np.array(result_X), y=np.array(result_y))
[docs] def clone(self) -> "SineConstSimulator": """ Creates a deep copy of the current SineConstSimulator instance. Returns: SineConstSimulator: A new instance of SineConstSimulator with copied data and parameters. """ copy_simulator = SineConstSimulator(self._data) params = self.params() copy_simulator.set_params(max_scale=params["max_scale"], max_const=params["max_const"]) return copy_simulator
[docs]class PredictiveMaintenanceSimulator(ModelBasedSimulator): """ Predictive Maintenance Simulator class that extends the ModelBasedSimulator base class. The simulator is based on From publication: Nikitin, Alexander, and Samuel Kaski. "Human-in-the-loop large-scale predictive maintenance of workstations." Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. 2022. Attributes: CAT_FEATURES (list): List of categorical feature indices. encoders (dict): Dictionary of OneHotEncoders for categorical features. Methods: __init__(data): Initializes the simulator with dataset properties and sets encoders. S(lmbd, t): Calculates the survival curve. R(rho, lmbd, t): Calculates the recovery curve parameter. set_params(**kwargs): Sets the parameters for the simulator. mixture_function(a, x): Calculates the mixture function. sample_equipment(num_samples): Samples equipment data and generates the dataset. generate(num_samples): Generates the predictive maintenance dataset. clone() -> PredictiveMaintenanceSimulator: Creates and returns a deep copy of the current simulator. """ # categorical features
[docs] CAT_FEATURES = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
def __init__(self, data: tsgm.dataset.DatasetProperties) -> None: """ Initializes the PredictiveMaintenanceSimulator with dataset properties and sets encoders for categorical features. Args: data (tsgm.dataset.DatasetProperties): Dataset properties for the simulator. """ self._data = data self.encoders = {d: sklearn.preprocessing.OneHotEncoder() for d in self.CAT_FEATURES} for d in self.CAT_FEATURES: self.encoders[d].fit([[d], [d + 2], [d + 4], [d + 1], [d + 3], [d + 5], [d + 7]]) self.set_params()
[docs] def S(self, lmbd, t): """ Calculates the survival curve. Args: lmbd: Lambda parameter for the exponential distribution. t: Time variable. Returns: float: Survival probability at time t. """ return np.exp(-lmbd * t)
[docs] def R(self, rho, lmbd, t): """ Calculates the recovery curve parameter. Args: rho: Rho parameter for the recovery function. lmbd: Lambda parameter for the exponential distribution. t: Time variable. Returns: float: Recovery curve parameter at time t. """ s_ = self.S(lmbd, t) return (1 - s_) - rho
[docs] def set_params(self, **kwargs): """ Sets the parameters for the simulator. Args: **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments for setting simulator parameters. """ if "switches" in kwargs: self._switches = kwargs["switches"] else: self._switches = {d: np.random.gamma(4, 2) for d in range(self._data.D)} if "m_norms" in kwargs: self._m_norms = kwargs["m_norms"] else: self._m_norms = {d: lambda: np.random.gamma(2, 1) for d in range(self._data.D)} if "sigma_norms" in kwargs: self._sigma_norms = kwargs["sigma_norms"] else: self._sigma_norms = {d: lambda: np.random.gamma(1, 1) for d in range(self._data.D)} super().set_params({ "switches": self._switches, "m_norms": self._m_norms, "sigma_norms": self._sigma_norms })
[docs] def mixture_function(self, a, x): """ Calculates the mixture function. Args: a: Mixture parameter. x: Input variable. Returns: float: Mixture function value. """ return (a**x - 1) / (a - 1)
[docs] def sample_equipment(self, num_samples): """ Samples equipment data and generates the dataset. Args: num_samples (int): Number of samples to generate. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the dataset and equipment information. """ equipment, dataset = [], [] for _ in tqdm(range(num_samples)): last_norm_tmp = 0 lmbd = np.random.gamma(1, 0.005) rho = np.random.gamma(1, 0.1) equipment.append({ "lambda": lmbd, "rho": rho }) current_measurements = [] ss = [] fix_tmps = [] rnd = np.random.uniform(0, 1) for t in range(self._data.T): measurements = [] s_ = self.S(lmbd, t - last_norm_tmp) r_ = self.R(rho, lmbd, t - last_norm_tmp) ss.append(s_) if rnd < r_: rnd = np.random.uniform(0, 1) last_norm_tmp = t fix_tmps.append(t) for d in range(self._data.D): m_norm = self._m_norms[d]() sigma_norm = self._sigma_norms[d]() m_abnorm = m_norm + self._switches[d] sigma_abnorm = 1.5 * sigma_norm if d in self.CAT_FEATURES: norm_functioning = np.random.choice([d, d + 2, d + 4], p=[0.7, 0.2, 0.1]) abnorm_functioning = np.random.choice([d + 1, d + 3, d + 5, d + 7], p=[0.2, 0.2, 0.4, 0.2]) else: norm_functioning = np.random.normal(m_norm, sigma_norm) abnorm_functioning = np.random.normal(m_abnorm, sigma_abnorm) mixt = self.mixture_function(3, s_) if d in self.CAT_FEATURES: if rnd < 1 - s_: measurements.extend(self.encoders[d].transform([[abnorm_functioning]]).toarray()[0]) else: measurements.extend(self.encoders[d].transform([[norm_functioning]]).toarray()[0]) else: measurements.extend([mixt * norm_functioning + (1 - mixt) * abnorm_functioning]) if not len(current_measurements): current_measurements.append([measurements]) current_measurements = np.array(current_measurements[0]) else: current_measurements = np.concatenate((current_measurements, np.array(measurements)[np.newaxis, :]), axis=0) equipment[-1]["fixes"] = fix_tmps equipment[-1]["ss"] = ss dataset.append(current_measurements) dataset = np.transpose(np.array(dataset), [0, 2, 1]) return dataset, equipment
[docs] def generate(self, num_samples: int): """ Samples equipment data and generates the dataset. Args: num_samples (int): Number of samples to generate. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the dataset and equipment information. """ return self.sample_equipment(num_samples)
[docs] def clone(self) -> "PredictiveMaintenanceSimulator": """ Creates a deep copy of the current PredictiveMaintenanceSimulator instance. Returns: PredictiveMaintenanceSimulator: A new instance of PredictiveMaintenanceSimulator with copied data and parameters. """ copy_simulator = PredictiveMaintenanceSimulator(self._data) params = self.params() copy_simulator.set_params( switches=params["switches"], m_norms=params["m_norms"], sigma_norms=params["sigma_norms"]) return copy_simulator
def _lv_derivative(X, t, alpha, beta, delta, gamma): x, y = X dotx = x * (alpha - beta * y) doty = y * (-delta + gamma * x) return np.array([dotx, doty])
[docs]class LotkaVolterraSimulator(ModelBasedSimulator): """ Simulates the Lotka-Volterra equations, which model the dynamics of biological systems in which two species interact, one as a predator and the other as prey. For the details refer to """ def __init__( self, data: tsgm.dataset.DatasetProperties, alpha: float = 1, beta: float = 1, gamma: float = 1, delta: float = 1, x0: float = 1, y0: float = 1) -> None: """ Initializes the Lotka-Volterra simulator with given parameters. Args: data (tsgm.dataset.DatasetProperties): The dataset properties. alpha (float): The maximum prey per capita growth rate. Default is 1. beta (float): The effect of the presence of predators on the prey death rate. Default is 1. gamma (float): The predator's per capita death rate. Default is 1. delta (float): The effect of the presence of prey on the predator's growth rate. Default is 1. x0 (float): The initial population density of prey. Default is 1. y0 (float): The initial population density of predator. Default is 1. """ self._data = data self.set_params( alpha=alpha, beta=beta, gamma=gamma, delta=delta, x0=x0, y0=y0 )
[docs] def set_params(self, alpha, beta, gamma, delta, x0, y0, **kwargs): """ Sets the parameters for the simulator. Args: alpha (float): The maximum prey per capita growth rate. beta (float): The effect of the presence of predators on the prey death rate. gamma (float): The predator's per capita death rate. delta (float): The effect of the presence of prey on the predator's growth rate. x0 (float): The initial population density of prey. y0 (float): The initial population density of predator. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments for setting simulator parameters. """ super().set_params({ "alpha": alpha, "beta": beta, "gamma": gamma, "delta": delta, "x0": x0, "y0": y0, })
[docs] def generate(self, num_samples: int, tmax: float = 1): """ Generates the simulation data based on the Lotka-Volterra equations. Args: num_samples (int): The number of sample points to generate. tmax (float): The maximum time value for the simulation. Default is 1. Returns: np.ndarray: An array containing the population densities of prey and predators over time. """ t = np.linspace(0., tmax, num_samples) X0 = [self.x0, self.y0] res = integrate.odeint(_lv_derivative, X0, t, args=(self.alpha, self.beta,, self.gamma)) return res
[docs] def clone(self) -> "LotkaVolterraSimulator": """ Creates a deep copy of the current LotkaVolterraSimulator instance. Returns: LotkaVolterraSimulator: A new instance of LotkaVolterraSimulator with copied data and parameters. """ copy_simulator = LotkaVolterraSimulator(self._data) params = self.params() copy_simulator.set_params( alpha=params["alpha"], beta=params["beta"], gamma=params["gamma"], delta=params["delta"], x0=params["x0"], y0=params["y0"]) return copy_simulator